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How to Recover Deleted Contacts In Exchange 2013/2016? Complete Solution

Written By Chirag Arora
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh  
Published On September 24th, 2022
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading

Microsoft Exchange mailbox contacts play a vital role in companies or organizations. It stores both personal and professional information of employees, users, etc.. which helps them to communicate with each other inside or outside the company. If accidentally someone permanently deleted the EDB contacts then there is no manual solution that helps you to recover the purged Exchange contacts. Don’t worry, this write-up will provide complete information on how to recover deleted contacts in Exchange 2013/2010 by using the professional solution.

When the Exchange Mailbox data items such as: contacts, emails, calendars, tasks, etc.. deleted it directly goes into the subfolder “Deletion” of the recoverable item folder. According to the retention period by default, the deleted Exchange database mailbox items remain for 14 days and it can be increased maximum up to 30 days.

After that, the deleted Exchange contacts get permanently deleted and there is no manual method to recover deleted contacts Exchange 2016/2013/2010.

One-Stop Solution – Users can use the automated method i.e. Exchange Recovery Tool provided by SysTools, which helps you to recover purged mailboxes and data items without any loss of data.

Use Professional Solution For How to Recover Deleted Contacts In Exchange 2013/2016

Exchange Recovery tool is the advanced professional software that provides an Advance scan – which helps users to recovers permanently deleted Exchange mailboxes & data items from offline/dismounted EDB file. Users can use this scan mode to recover deleted mailbox after retention period. This option also removes major corruption from Exchange database files & recover and repair Exchange mailbox.

Quick scan mode is used to remove minimal corruption from the EDB file. You can select the advance scanning option to repair EDB file and recover deleted contacts Exchange 2010/2013/2016 and all versions of Exchange Server.

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This utility supports public and private Exchange database file and helps users to repair and recover corrupted offline/dismounted EDB file. It can recover and export .edb file of any size directly to Live Exchange Server, Office 365, and various file formats: PST, EML, PDF, MSG, MBOX, HTML. You can use this tool to bulk export mailbox to PST Exchange 2010/2013/2016.

There is no need to have any technical knowledge and skill to use this tool. Both technical and non-technical users can use the software and restore deleted contacts Exchange 2010/2013/2016 easily without losing any single bit of data. The software provides graphical interface which makes the user work a lot easier and save time too.

It allows you to export entire or selective Exchange mailbox like – user, archive, shared, disconnected, legacy, and data items: emails, calendars contacts, notes, tasks, journals.

After exporting the several Exchange mailboxes and items to different file formats, then users can import the resultant file into different email clients such as: Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, etc.. or they can access Exchange emails from browser.

The software auto-create export report in CSV file format which contains the success and fail count of exported Exchange data.

Also Read: How to Recover Deleted Public Folder Exchange 2016/2013/2010?

Key Features Of Professional Software

    1. Support Exchange Database and Streaming Media File
    2. Repair and recover multiple corrupted Microsoft EDB file
    3. Preview recovered Exchange mailbox items before conversion
    4. Extract mailbox from EDB file Exchange 2016/2013 to multiple file format
    5. Maintain original folder structure and keep metadata intact
    6. Option to save scanned copy of corrupted Exchange database file
    7. Export selected EDB mailbox data item using the category filter option
    8. Remove email (SMIME/OpenPGP) encryption in batch from Exchange mailboxes
    9. Support Exchange Server (2003-2019), MS Outlook (2019-2003), and Windows OS (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 10) versions.

Step by Step Method For How to Recover Deleted Contacts In Exchange 2013/2016

Step 1: Download > Install > Launch the automated software in your system

install software

Step 2: Click on Add File button > Load offline/dismounted Exchange database file

select add file

Step 3: Select the Advance scan from dual scanning mode to recover deleted contacts Exchange 2010/2013/2016 > Click Add

click advance scan

Step 4: Preview the recovered deleted Exchange contacts and other mailbox items > Click Export

preview recovered edb contacts

Step 5: Select entire Exchange mailboxes > Click on the export option > Select advance setting

click on advance settings

Step 6: Click on the contacts from categories filter option > Click on the Save button

Note: This option allows you to export selective data items from multiple Exchange mailboxes to the selected export option.

select exchange contacts and click save

Step 7: Click on the browse button to set target file path > Click export button

click export

The Exchange contacts are successfully exported to the selected export option

Bringing It All Together

However, there is no manual solution to recover permanently deleted Exchange contacts but this write-up provides complete information on how to recover deleted contacts in Exchange 2013/2016 and various other versions by using the stepwise method of automated software given in the above section. The utility provides an advance scan mode option which easily recovers purged contacts, other data items and Exchange mailboxes without any data loss.


By Chirag Arora

Having around 9+ years of experience in technical writing. Knows about the core technical areas. Also, provides easy and reliable solutions to resolve difficulties faced by users while working with different platforms.