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How to Convert ICO / ICON File to HTML Format

Written By Kumar Raj
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On February 20th, 2025
Reading Time 10 Minutes Reading

Are you one of those users who are looking for a solution to convert ICON file to HTML format? If yes, then you have arrived at the correct location. In this article, we will discuss how users can resolve this query easily and entirely on their own.

HTML widely known as the Hypertext Markup Language is a computing language that makes up multiple web pages and other online applications. A hypertext is generally a text that is used to reference other pieces of text. Other than that, a markup language is a series of markings that usually tells the web and serves the style and structure of a document.

Query:- “Hi, I have some ICO files stored on my computer that I wish to change into HTML. For this, I have tried multiple online converters but none of them seem to work as per my desire. Can you please suggest to me a solution to convert ICON file to HTML format while maintaining the image quality? Thanks in advance! – Alison”

Convert ICON/ICO File to HTML Manually

In case you’re bent on converting ICO or ICON files to HTML manually and don’t want to rely on automation, this is how you do it. First make the image compatible with formats recognizable by HTML, like Base64 encoding. This will allow the use of icons in HTML files without using any external image files since the icon would be directly embedded into the HTML file.

Since ICO files are not HTML compliant, you would need to convert them into more web-friendly formats. You have to first convert them into PNG or JPG files, then encode them into Base64. This enables embedding the image within the HTML document itself instead of referring to an external file.

1) Convert the ICON file into PNG or Turn ICON to JPG.

  • This could be done by opening the file in Paint.
  • Then, click on File >> Save as >> Select PNG or JPEG >> Save button.

2) Now, use Python to generate Base64 code:

import base64

with open("icon.png", "rb") as image_file:

base64_string = base64.b64encode('utf-8')


This will produce a Base64 string that is suitable for use in HTML.

3) Now that you have the Base64 string, use the <img> tag to embed it into your HTML document:

<img src="..." alt="Icon">


  • The src attribute starts with data:image/png;base64,, which tells the browser that the image is Base64 encoded.
  • Your Base64 code goes after the comma.
  • The alt attribute is for alternative text provided in case the image doesn’t load.

4) Save this file as HTML (icon.html).

5) Next, open it with a browser to see the icon appear.

Note:- This technique works with the ICON files in a smaller amount only. Suppose you have a bunch of other pictures you want to save to HTML; then this method can be time-consuming. Hence why we recommend the Expert Solution to Batch convert ICO files to HTML.

Expert Recommended Method to Convert ICON to HTML

There is no manual method available for this procedure that users can utilize to resolve this query. That is why we highly advise you to opt for the Professional Solution. For this, there are several online applications that you can use to convert ICON file to HTML format. The ICON Converter Wizard will be the ideal solution for users to convert bulk images into any format of their desire. This application supports bulk conversion and provides multiple export formats to change ICO files into HTML. Also, it preserves the quality of the image during and after the conversion procedure.

Free Download Now Purchase Now

Steps to Turn ICON to HTML Format

1. First, Install and Launch this application on your system.

install icon to html converter

2. Then, select either Add File or Add Folder(s) option to browse your ICO files.

add file or add folder

3. With the tool, you can preview your files before the conversion process. Afterward, click on the Next option.

next option

4. Now, choose HTML as your export format from the drop-down list.

select html

5. Users can also either create HTML for each ICO or single HTML for all ICO according to their desire.

create html

6. In the end, hit on the Convert option to start the operation.

convert ico to html

What Advantages does the Automated Solution Provides?

  1. Various Export Formats:- With the help of this application, users can easily convert ICON file to HTML and other formats as well such as PDF, PNG, JPG, DOC, DOCX, etc. There are also traditional formats for learning to convert ICON to WebPICON to GIF, and 20+ more formats are also available for conversion.
  2. Add Various Images or Folder:- This utility allows users to add more than one image or folder that contains images for conversion. This also provides the option to batch convert all the pictures by adding the images altogether.
  3. Maintaining the Image Quality:- You do not have to worry about the quality of the image while converting ICO to HTML. This application, however, has an advanced mechanism that keeps the quality of the images well preserved during and after the conversion procedure.
  4. Option to Rearrange the Image Order:- While arranging the pictures, there’s an option to move the images Up or Down according to your need. This will help you change the order of the photos and you can set them up for the conversion procedure.
  5. Self-Sufficient Application:- There is no need for any kind of external software or any kind of plug-ins. As this tool is a stand-alone. Both technical and domestic users can easily utilize this application without any technical guidance.
  6. Works with Windows OS:- This application works efficiently with all the versions of Windows OS. Regardless of which version the user is using to convert ICON file to HTML. This tool will run on all. It supports all the latest and prior versions of the Windows operating system.

More Tips about Converting ICON File to HTML Code

Encoding an ICO or ICON in HTML will enable you to use those icons in your web projects. But unlike other conversions, you may have to learn some other techniques. After all, many users actually want to embed the icon file in HTML instead of converting Images to HTML code. Here. you will also have to learn how to embed them into your HTML code, how to open and edit the HTML file produced through the above processes. Find out in detail below these two vital aspects.

1: Embed an Icon in HTML Code

Some users may want to embed ICON image to HTML instead of converting them. Icons are often used to show a favicon which is the small image displayed in the browser tab or as part of the webpage. So here is how to include an icon in your HTML code:

a. Using the Icon as a Favicon

These are the steps to use your ICO file as a favicon: 

1) Place the ICO file in your project directory

Place the ICO file in the project folder; preferably use images or assets as the directory name for better organization.

2) Add the Link to Favicon in Your HTML File

In the <head> section of your HTML file, the link to the ICO file as favicon must be added using this code:
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="path/to/your-icon.ico">

3) Test The Favicon

Open your HTML file in a browser and check whether the favicon appears in your browser tab.

b. Using the Icon as an Image in Your Web Page

If you want to utilize the icon in design layout on your website, you can embed it as an image using the <img> tag. This is how it goes:

1) Convert the ICO file to another web-supported format (optional)

While ICO files can be used directly, it is often ideal to convert them to other web formats like PNG or SVG for compatibility and scalability.

2) Embed the icon in your HTML

Use the <img> tag to display the icon: 

<img src="path/to/your-icon.png" alt="Description of the icon">

3) Style-up the icon using CSS

You can customize the icon’s appearance even more through CSS. For instance: 


<img src="path/to/your-icon.png" alt="Description of the icon" class="icon-style">

CSS File

.icon-style {

width: 32px;

height: 32px;

margin: 10px;

border: 1px solid #ccc;


2. How to Open & Edit HTML File After Conversion

Once done with the ICO-to-HTML conversion, you might want to open and edit that HTML file to customize its appearance or integrate it into a larger project. Here is how to do it:

a. Opening the HTML File
  1. With a web browser, you can view the HTML file; just double-click the file and it will automatically open in your default web browser. In this way, you would be able to see how the icon or favicon looks on a Web page.
  2. Using a text editor, you would edit the HTML file. Some of the most popular choices include:
    1. Notepad (Windows): Minimalist text editor suitable for some quick edits.
    2. VS Code: Strong code editor with syntax highlighting and extensions.
    3. Sublime Text: Superlight, fast editor for coding.
    4. Atom: a Web customized editor.
  3. Open your HTML file in every text editor you must use to make changes to it.
b. Editing the HTML File

1) You can consider mentioning metadata such as doc type, title, and character encoding in an HTML file when it is of minimal length. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<title>Your Web Page Title</title>

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="path/to/your-icon.ico">



<h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>

<img src="path/to/your-icon.png" alt="Description of the icon">



2) You structure your webpage and apply styling with HTML and CSS. Thus, you can have a header, a footer, or a navigation menu.

3) Save the file after editing and refresh the browser to see the modification.

The Verge

This blog describes two quick and easy ways for users to convert ICON file to HTML format. There is a manual method available to get the job done. But it is only viable for a small number of ICON Image Conversion. So the best option is to use a Professional solution. We have provided a brief description of an automated solution, and users can use this tool to convert their ICO files to HTML while retaining image quality. This application also supports multiple export formats and is compatible with all versions of the Windows operating system.


By Kumar Raj

A versatile writer with the vast knowledge of technology helps to reduce the gap between a user and technology. Provides easy and reliable ways to resolve multiple technical issues, which users encounter in their day-to-day life.